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How to download a font?

Click on the "download" icon of your system (PC/Mac) and save the files somewhere on your hard disk.

How to install a font under windows?

Files are compressed in the Zip format. There is no problem under XP, but with older Windows versions you must install Winzip or equivalent to be able to open these files.

Quick explanation
Place the .ttf (ou .otf ou .fon) files in the Fonts folder.
Detailed explanation
+ Go to the place where you saved the font.
+ Double-click on the zip to open it.
+ Drag and drop the files with the .ttf, .otf ou .fon extension elsewhere from the zip window (hold down the CTRL key to select several at once).
If the extensions are not displayed, click the Tools menu of any folder > Folders Options > Display tab > uncheck the "Hide file extensions for known file types" item.
+ Place these files into the Fonts folder, usually C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\WINNT\Fonts (can be reached as well by the Start Menu > Control Panel > Appearance and Themes > Fonts).
Note that with the internal unzip tool of XP (unlike Winzip), you cannot install a font by a simple drag and drop of the .ttf from the zip window to the Fonts window. You must first drag and drop it anywhere (for example on the desktop) then in the Fonts folder.

You can also go through : File > Install a new font... in the Fonts folder menu then browse the fonts, instead of drag and drop the fonts into the window. Although this method is laborious, it would seem that it functions better in certain cases.

Tip : if you punctually need a font, you don't need to install it. Just double-click on the .ttf file, and while the preview window is opened you can use it in the programs you'll launch.

How to install a font under MAC OS?

Only some of this site's fonts are available as Mac version (when the author provides them).
Mac OS X recognizes PC TrueType fonts too (but not the .fon).
Files are compressed, so you must use an utility like Stuffit Expander.

+ Under Mac OS X :
Put the files (Mac or PC) into /Library/Fonts (for all users), or into /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only). If your OS includes the Font Book, you can as well double-click on a font file, then a preview pops with an "Install font" button.

+ Under Mac OS 9 or less :
Drag the fonts suitcases into the System folder. The system will propose you to add them to the Fonts folder. If you want to use fonts available only for PC, try to convert them with TTConverter.

How to use a new font with software?

It is sometimes necessary to relaunch the current application to be able to use the new font. Then you may proceed as usual, the font will appear in your software's font combo-box (word processing, drawing etc.).

How to use for a Website?

If you specify a particular font in your web pages which is not installed on the visitor's machine, it will be replaced by the default font in his browser, generally Times...
Of course, you can specify several fonts in the code by priority order, but nothing is guaranteed.

The 2 main solutions :

- to realize a title with a particular font, the easiest method is to do it as a frame. Use a drawing program and save the image as .gif (or .jpg if there are too many shades of colour, or .png).

- for a long text, you can embed the fonts so visitors will download them at the same time as the pages.

Why don't fonts show up in e-mails/instant

Your correspondant can only view the fonts installed on his computer. Better avoid to send a email or an instant message (MSN Messenger, etc.) with a non-standard font ; or then make sure your correspondant has installed it too, otherwise he will see a default font.

How many fonts can be installed?

Windows is supposed to be able to manage about 1000 fonts. But avoid to install too many fonts at one time because that slows down the system. A lot of programs have to load to memory all installed fonts to be able to run.

So it is better to put fonts you use regularly in the Fonts folder. Keep the rest in any other folder or storage device, so you can install/uninstall them as needed.

Why aren't stressed characters or numbers included ?

The present fonts on this site are freewares or sharewares, sometimes demos, which don't systematically include stressed letters, figures or certain punctuation chars. Some even work only in lower-case or upper-case letters.

Nothing is working !

Relaunch the target application after the new font's installation.
Make sure to have copied the .ttf file, and not the zip into the Fonts folder.
In the worst of the cases, reboot your computer.

Can I download all the fonts of a category
in a single zip ?


Are all fonts free of charge ?

The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain, most of the time for non-commercial use.

Look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated authors' website for details, and contact him if in doubt.

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